Red Betel or Piper crocatum has many benefits. In
addition to cure a variety of diseases, the benefits of red betel leaves are
also used in events palace and used the daughter to smooth the skin. Along with
the study of red betel, it was found that red betel contains flavonoids,
polyphenols, alkoloid, tannins, oils atsirih, sapononin, allylprokatekol,
karvokol, eugenol, p-cymene, cineole, coryofelen, kadimen, ekstragol,
terpenana, and propoda.
Flavoid compounds and polyphenols itself is useful as
an antioxidant, antiflamasi, and antidiabetic. Meanwhile, excellent alkaloid
compound to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Red betel leaf decoction is
given to rats with diabetes also were able to reduce the sugar content. This is
one proof that red betel can be used as controlling blood sugar in the body of
patients with diabetes mellitus. Karvakol compound in red betel has merit as a
disinfectant and antifungal, Excellent when used as a mouthwash and drug
Here are some benefits of betel leaf :
1. Drug swollen breasts Betel leaves can treat the swollen breasts after breastfeeding. Grilled red betel leaves to wilt and paste in the breast area is swollen while the leaves are still warm. Compounds allylprokatecol and karvakrol will help stretch the muscles of the breast is inflamed due to spend too much milk.
2. Treating tumors Antioxidants, flavonoids and terpenoids which exist on the red betel boost one's immune. When the immune system increases, the body's white blood cells will be able mengahancurkan carcinogenic substances or dangerous tumors from the body.
3. Treating diabetes You can treat diabetes that suffered by consuming red betel leaf stew. The content of terpenoids, klavicol, eugenol, and pycene will help the action of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.
4. Drug RedEye The content of alkaloids act as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, which would ease red eyes due to irritation. How to manufacture the medicine is quite easy: Prepare 20 red betel leaves
Boil the water to the boil
Strain the cooking water
Use as an eye compress
Or use it to wash the eyes for about 10 minutes
5. Drug bleeding gums As a remedy bleeding gums contain saponins, tannins, minerals calcium and phosphorus will relieve inflammation that occurs when the gums bleed. Step manufacture the medicine: Prepare 10 red betel leaves Boil the water to the boil Strain the water and cooled Use water to rinse, for effective results do 3 times a day
6. Treating Sfilis The benefits of betel leaf sfilis able to treat the disease, how to easily prepare 25-30 betel leaves along the stems, 1/4 kg of palm sugar and salt to taste. All the ingredients are boiled together with 2 liters of water to boiling, then filtered. The herb drink 3 times 1 day continuously.
7. bronchitis 7 Provide betel leaves and 1 piece of rock candy. Chopped betel leaves, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and filtered. The herb drink 3 times a day 3 tablespoons.
8. Overcoming Diarrhea Diarrhea is one of the diseases that can make you go back and forth to the bathroom, if you have diarrhea you can try to cope using betel leaves by taking six pieces of betel leaf, 6 grains of pepper and 1 tablespoon oil. Then mash the three ingredients until smooth, then rub on the stomach with diarrhea.
Those are some benefits of red betel leaves,what we wrote hopefully useful to you.
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